Saturday, May 16, 2009

'River Stone' Glutinous Rice Balls

Have you ever seen a floating stone that is tender, glutinous and really melts in your mouth? Try this sweet and savoury dessert.

It's called River Stone Glutinous Rice Ball, as it resembles the beautiful natural river stone, which a specialty of Nanjing, my hometown.

200 g Glutinous rice powder
50 g Short grain Rice powder,
210 ml Water, warm
1 tsp Matcha tea powder
1 tsp Cacao powder
160 g black sesame powder
50 g Caster sugar
60 g Peanut butter
Some water



  1. Wow they look like real stones. Neat!
    Now I'm not a baker by any means, so if you know of a place or two in LA that actually sells these ready-made glutinous rice balls that look like stones, please post on your blog as I'd love to buy some.

  2. These really can't be an easy thing to make! What beautiful specimens in the pictures! Thank you for sharing about this food and festival. Do the 2 go together? (I'll have to go back and read the Dragon Boat Festival entry again.

  3. Hi,I'm glad you like it. Actually the two do not go together. Sorry for the confusion. I made the rice ball because I felt like eating it that day :) I became a good cook when I came to US. My mum couldn't imagine that! Actually, the glutinous rice ball is a traditional food for Lantern Festival,which falls on January 15 in the lunar calendar. We celebate Spring Festival till Lantern Festival.And people explode firecrackers at night. By the way, my hometown is famous for its handmade lanterns. It's an archaic folk art. I'll post some pictures next time!
